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Oct 2013
These concrete walls echo with the soft steps on the keys
The glass stares blankly, unresponsive to the provoking winds.
Beyond this black door is a floor plan, vague and suffocating.
The sting of fall on my summer skin- unprepared, choking on the calm before the storm.
The neck of the sweater soothes like a sip of merlot, wrapping its warm body around my heart;
lingering at the lips waiting for its chance to spit out the repression,
encompassing the mouth with a grey smog.
The thoughts burn like a cigarette,
Punishing me with the stale taste of misery,
my eyes water with the salt of this wound.
The branches undress, letting the past slip like a dress to the floor-
and suddenly it is me who feels naked.
A cold hand traces my jaw, tilting my head towards what I knew was coming
I keep my mouth shut,
and I smile
Written by
M R  Toronto
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