Hesitation made me miss Opportunities turned into a wish That I made the effort to be in your midst I took the present for granted Now Im haunted by my inaction when I reminisce Plans pushed off and dismissed Because I never considered a world in which you didn't exist Denying delays processing, the news didn't stick It took a few weeks before the reality hit My numb stone face fortress diminished to piles of brick Exposed and vulnerable I've experienced death but none ever hurt like this Life is fleeting, death is patient and waiting Mortal shells fickle, their hold on our spirits strained with the days The future perpetual in its becoming the past Our lingering end appears random and quick Indescriminate is the embrace of demise Inevitable is its kiss The debt of borrowed breath will one day seek repayment Take time today, or spend tomorrow longing and aching Don't waste life in fear, but never forget You dont have forever, don't waste it wasting time All we have is today, tomorrow never comes.