Originally known as Snakes Belly this County Down group, have, according to Gutter Press managed to maintain number 1 position at bottom of the charts with a Black Christmas song about delirium tremors.
Sung by Grand Mal in what has been deemed their most quaking performance to date @thelowlife-theatre.ie
Sink Hole Studios in Mitchelstown Caves said that Stalagtites fell from the ceiling.
Christy Moore later commented by saying the song “ Fake ****** “ should be banned because it was an insult to Irish epilepthicks dyslexsicks and also schizophrenics.
Grand Mal said that he was influenced by light into darkness when he associated it with a pint of Guinness, but St James Gate wished to distance the brewery from this vile mockery of Irish ****** Pats and of the bands veiled reference to Alcoholics Anomaly in their chosen name.
Petit Mal the singers son told Eugene Cosgrove of The Corkman to go and **** himself when he was asked to comment!