the sky was crookedly airlifted by BC & AD--as two strangers walked toward one another on a sidewalk. wanting to appear polite, they both delayed choosing a side in which to cross paths. consequently--they both chose to do so mere feet away. a blend of of irritation & awkwardness held them right before they veered aside. recent memory is hardly history, so any unlearned lesson may not be doomed to repeat it. their day will be comprised of more subtle & overt disparities as this. surely there was a place from which they emerged & will return to--in which they encounter themselves in a similar fashion. a place of fanatic familiarity, a place where things don't dare move--as not to displease their master. a place where a degree's dereliction would rack them subconsciously. who knew homemaking could be a dark little art. even if you subvert personal history & the world from which it hails--you've still done nothing. the most controlled environment, which one has to work hard to interface with as a: "known"--doesn't sit tight. its alchemy uses this life, this world--for starters. whereas subject & object keep crossing paths as different subjects & objects.