When you want to put the name of the weekday in the title and make a stab at being.... inventive?!
Sweet golden hours whose amb'ance seems t'avail Us now this hectic week is closing, whence We've laughter 'stead of anger, like defense, Till shadows 'gin to stretch their lengths, the pale Eye of late afternoon with aught detail Askew, until we're scrambling as pretense Winks in the thought of twilight where the sense Of yonder is confused and asking bail. As ev'ning 'gins to haunt these blue heavns' pure Note, calm 'most 'ppears to be the rule--is't true? And why's my foot stuck in my mouth as t'were Again? I woke confused; thought tomorrow to Effect was here; looked up my schedule, poor Though being bewildered. Oh LORD, I need You.