Come 'gain?! How Robert would surprise me, whence? We hang out and he tells me in betrayl Of his most recent girlfriend, whose detail Yes, of divorce, at last comes out for sense; And I'm disgusted with her rudeness, thence To laugh, yet lo, remind him I'd ne'er hail Him thus: she's like a Hallmark lover, frail As lying and using him, like she'd defense. Then off to bed with me cuz third shift's tour Of duty needs more rest, so that will do. He teases that he'll marry me, but's poor. I know now we're just friends. Naught else is true. Did she know of me? YES. But, what? For her He bent oer backwards. Not my style. None woo.
Considering the epiphany late yesterday when I finally realized he'd been unusually cool to me BECAUSE OF HER, methinks it is.