/\/\ can/cant write a true love poem without free falling tears welling before the before i.e. the first word is laid down
just the way it is with love, lost or found, forgotten or-newly uncovered, either/neither way, the ducts working overtime, distorting visibility, and realistic truths, so no chance their accompaniment is not present,
it’s as if it is de rigeur, a precursor-cursor!
the non-cursory liquidity summoned to protect and provide to that place where love thoughts, hopes, all memorials are stored, needy for wet to be released
not a love poem above and about or finding it or losing it -
more about remembering when either came without an or within it, always was a two sides, one coin, two identical equalities but separated by direction
weeeping means meandering memories congealing, needy for reliving, a retelling forgiving, sinning and reexamining, an easy gliding when the path is eased by a slippery slide of damp