"Quel jour de la semaine aimes-tu le mieux?" It says on the french homework.
Well, lets see...
Lundi is terrible, first day of the week. Mardi is subpar, practically a repeat of the first. Mereredi theres too much too do, between clubs and homework. Jeudi is too long, and my guitar teacher's chance to remind me little practice I put into the guitar, and everything else that doesn't matter enough to me. Vendredi is the end, but not quite the start of anything good, since Samedi is filled with homework and more lessons and such that eat away at me until I'm nothing more but a husk of myself. Dimanche is when I'm forced to meet my sins in the face while trying to not let them show on my face because I cant let anyone know of these "inner battles" I'm facing.
So, which day of the week do I like the most? "Aunun. Je déteste tous les jours, mois, année. ... Je déteste ma vie."
I actually put "Vendredi" because if I say that I hate my life on my french homework, things aren't going to end well for me---