I'm not sure I've been self aware of this feeling before
Not as of late
I've tried so hard to refrain from behaving in a way that aligns with the feeling of hating who I become when I'm around another
And yet
Here she is Mocking me again I can't escape her I'm tantalizingly pulled back into this familiar neural pathway of connection
I'm sorry Sorry I instigate you intentionally
Trying to get you to lash out So that I can lick my own wounds Unknowingly giving you the whip intentionally So that I may cling to the narrative of victim and transgressed The only one who has the "right" to be upset So that I may disregard the ugly behavior I myself have transgressed against you
I'm sorry
I know I'll go hauntingly silent mid-argument
I freeze
It's a moment of realization for myself
A mirror pushed in front of my face A hand squishing my cheeks painfully and around my jawline Forcing me to look at my many existent shadows in the bright fluorescent lights that cause me to wince
I can't dare whisper it out loud No I cannot
But I can write it in a poem I harm I hurt I become brutal with my choice of words
I have temper tantrums as a twenty-four year old woman I seldomly had the ability to when I was a kid Not with childhood trauma and emotionally abused parents who passed on less abuse than they endured
And for that I'm sorry You don't deserve it You don't deserve to take on the brunt of my parents' responsibilities
They failed me And in you I find solace and self contempt and confusion
I'm sorry I can't fully formulate into words what I'm doing and why It doesn't make sense to me And it leaves me with a mysterious shape of confusion
There is a sweetness to it To know I can hurt you And you can embrace it Unlike like those who failed me when I was all too young Sorry
I guess it's a natural by-product when you have someone you feel safe enough with to enact your trauma onto But it doesn't take away the chronically exhaustive tone our relationship is colored in