I passed by you in the halls, I acted like you meant nothing to me We walked beside each other for a brief moment and there was nothing, no hand to hold, no hello Just a side glance How do we do that? How do we pretend we don't know each other?
We've bared our all, our body, our soul, our mind, our spirit You took away my spirit
We've seen it all, all of each other
How do we do it? I want to know
Today was supposed to be a special day... The twenty-second a date, the date
Today I feel vulnerable to my feelings, today I want to give up, today I want to run away from the pain you've caused and into the safety you've once given me... back into your armsΒ Β but i can't
I don't know you, you don't belong to me, you're just another boy I pass in the hallway *a stranger