You look at me for the first time After I lose my memory of you And I see a stranger Giving me a lovely look And I feel confused By the way you look at me
I recap my memory with some assistance from you You love me I love you Or that's what you tell me But you're a stranger This doesn't feel lovely This feels lonely
Few weeks go by Things are lovely Sometimes But when I collapse and I break And I need you to help me back to shore You're nowhere in sight And I drown And I'm lonely
I drown and just before I go under I see you on the shore Watching me Observing me And when I yell for your help One last time You yell back that you cant help me From the shore You're too far away to do anything
You don't jump in to try You don't attempt to save me You just allow me to drown As you watch So lonely
But when I can swim All on my own When I'm not drowning You carry me around You swim with me on your back You hold my hand in the water So lovely
I don't understand how you ended up on the shore Right as I begin to drown And I don't understand how you can no longer carry me Right when I need it Lo(n/v)ely