I made a beautiful mess, my dear. It seems as if I couldn't control myself my words fell out of my mouth and onto the floor right by my feet and I tripped over them just as clumsily as I let them escape and they formed feelings so true and so new that maybe you couldn't feel them but you could see them you just didn't know what to do with them. And it seems as if my heart exploded everywhere like bumblebees flying from a beehive and you thought somehow I would sting you but really I was just looking for something sweet. And I think I melted the first time I saw you I think my skin slowly slipped away which is why I couldn't sit still or find anything to say, in case you don't remember how quiet I was because as my skin began to harden, I'm not that quiet anymore. I wish I was had more hands to help yours were too busy ripping me apart to put me back together.