Our river runs low, unlike in Barbados, where rain graces the small island, turning it into a tropical paradise. Green pastures thrive, a breadfruit can sustain a poor man throughout the year, while others feast lavishly. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in America, and perhaps in other parts of the world too. What are we thankful for this year? Reflecting on 2024, what stands out as your most memorable moment? What brought tears to your eyes, and how many times did you cry out for help? This year has been tough for me, filled with force and emotional baggage, accompanied by piles of bills. I held on, knowing that temporary meant limited, not permanent. It's easy to be thankful for the good things. Those who are also thankful for the setbacks experience a life of rich fulfillment.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Today is Black Friday, and it feels black, an adjective that brings emotional instability. Will I be able to catch a good deal on this day?