A certain spiritual atmosphere An Old Man who had loss his Wife to an illness He felt alone The Old Man noticed his thoughts became to change from negative to positive He didn’t understand why, but a Guardian Angel knew It was an Angel sent from Heaven The Angel appeared in the flesh to the Old Man He told the Old Man, Heaven has been observing you, and your heart is crushed since your dear wife died Your Wife is in good hands patiently waiting one day for your arrival The Angel also stated, “There’s more on your mind beyond your Wife’s departure” The Old Man responded, “I always feel perplexed and not relaxed” I am a Heavenly Angel, so I am going to show you how to overcome your negative thoughts and conquer The Old Man said I really miss and loved my Wife The Angel said that love will always be there in your heart Now let me show you how to conquer what’s holding you down First, Don’t Doubt, always believe, and remember the Lord’s promise, I will always be there Now that alone is assurance Like a surge feeling like a bolt with renewed strength beyond compare Even though I am an Angel, the Lord has been here also all along, and I was the messenger to deliver from Heaven directly to you You are never alone, when you think you standing as one, the Lord becomes your multitude in victory Things may seem mysterious, but Heaven opens the door to understanding a tomorrow worth believing The Old Man felt comfort and a calmness took over The Angel told the Old Man don't be discouraged pray and look to the skies above” With that, the Angel took flight and disappeared.