The risk of failing to **** myself Keeps me from attempting at all.
I mean, I have before. I have fully committed with Paragraphed and signed goodbyes And tears that flowed seemingly flowed up, up up towards the ceiling instead of down my flushed cheeks So weightless almost
But, alas, I didn't die. No one found out. So it practically never happened. Who knows, maybe it was just a figment of my ****** up imagination.
After attempting so many times I learned that I wouldn't be able to go in a drug-induced, quiet, peaceful sleep. I would have to do something more drastic. Something that would draw attention. Something that they would find out.
And, if I fail, as I had all those times before, then I don't think I'll be able to live through seeing their faces painted with disappointment and pity; hear their cries, their lectures, their self-help talk, their meaningless affirmations, the beep-beep-beep-beep of the hospital as I lie limp and useless and empty and alive, and dead.
It would drive me absolutely insane. But then again, I suppose I already am.