where are the people who can’t wake up in the morning no matter how much sleep they get and where are the people that find such comfort in a cup of coffee who turn to the black liquid sweetened and warm where are the people who spend hours alone, just the way they like it but when someone reaches out, such appreciation you won’t find in anyone else and where are the people who let words fall from their mouths like stones and words from their pens like precious gems where are the people that find heroes in ordinary people because miracles sound nice but are so unlikely that the ordinary is just enough, thanks and where are the people that remembered to buy bread and cereal and they let that fill them with such pride maybe they’ll even get the laundry done too or maybe that should wait til tomorrow where are the people who spend nights turning over in bed or staring at computer screens or flipping pages of books hoping that tonight, tonight they will go to sleep with good thoughts and where are the people who got told growing up that there was so many things they had to be that now that it’s their turn to become they are torn between expectation and desire and sheer ability where are the people who have already learned that there’s no such thing as an adult who have realized we’re all making our way in a messed up world with polite smiles and appropriate clothing and we are all pretending like we have it together
where are the people like me because i think a little connection between us would make us stop asking “are there others like me?”