OUR **** HAWAIIAN ADVENTURE - We used busted banjos as surf boards to surf to safety after our boat sank in Hawaii 4 miles from Pygmy City. I had an asthma attack before strangling 5 dozen blue whales with my bare hands. We're going to be dining on whale liver for 10 years! Police men are **** when they're women pretending to be men: rolling in pig-****; eating lunch on balconies; plugging their butts with gerbils. Obesity is bad for fat people because they are already fat and they shouldn't have to deal with obesity on top of that. What have I learned as a gynecologist? Many things. Gynecology isn't just for dentists who like women. It's for men who enjoy big-game fishing and bowling-pin setting. It's for ex-lesbians with bullet scars on their butts. It's for Dairy Queen executives with syphilis. It's better than living in Pygmy City, but not as nice as having a neighbor who worships you like you're Jesus.