The trouble that came to Emmett Till over a white convicted him. Allegations and accusation based on the word of a white female. Who decades later took it all back?
But decades earlier Jesse Washington faced the same theme of allegations and accusations that led to his death. And at the hands of bigots.
Nothing shocking or surprising to many. Obvious to the perpetrators it shouldn't be. Not to the race the creator of racial injustice the most.
Hangings, shootings, courts injustices by white juries. Without bravery to stand firm against their own.
Many very aware why that group trying to ban and eliminate history. The image doesn't paint them to well through the decades. And whites with kindness in their hearts got lynched too.
Mary Turner lynched, hard for fools to see truth when told. Hatred is all many of they know until exposed.
But if this was all on the other shoe? They be seeking peace faster than putting on your shoes.
In all these attacks a great majority of them dealt with guns. The same ones crying about that infamous amendment they know so well.
For without them many aren't so brave. If confronted many are quiet or quickly to run away. Which leads to many daily to pray.
And these issues just apart of America past decades. Where allegations and accusations created so much pain. Wakeup before love fades away.