an amateur photographer waits till a room fills up with degrees of connection--as people move relative to prattle's false starts. just when the deep space of universal greeting collapses into conversation, the room's undulant field registers unnatural spikes in noise level-- like supercells on a radar. as if language showing first signs of fluidity, met with the straitjacketed primitivism of listeners-- itching to go from zoo-like soundings, to being seduced by the traction of their own voice. at this the bluffy segue of wineglasses are tilted off a tray--their long necks & lippy vaunts sparkling to an ear-piercing parse. a lens glares out of obscurity, as if the blue shorts the blue--to blink back right there. recoiling hands spastically thrown around deformed hubs--with an anesthesiologist' catalogue of faces. our photographer's delectation came from seeing it as the discordia of the fifth wall.