addiction is a tricky thing like that. i tell everyone i've been clean for 4 years. truth is, i've relapsed every one of those years and for once, i'm not proud of the things i've done to numb myself. yesterday, i got a whiff of the perfume i wore at the peak of my dependence. i gave in. i don't think i really tried to stop myself. i was looking for an excuse to fall back into orbit, each day revolving around getting my next fix, not this pit in my stomach.
one time, i took all the pills scattered through my room and lined them up on my childhood bed, counting and recounting and counting once more for good measure.
the rattling of pill bottles makes me nostalgic.
i wonder who i could've been without the sickly sweet lies, entire lives buried beneath ignorant comfort, if i had taken the time to know myself rather than sitting back and missing out on who i could have been.
addiction is living with the reality of rotting flesh and damaged bones, yet thinking of it as nothing other than a part of yourself.
addiction is pushing the pessimism out of the inevitable because you're still naive enough to believe that it won't be the thing to **** you.