I watch him from afar From across the bayou He lies and sits next to The building on a ledge It is not his true home It is his summer home I guess as I watch him Sleep all day, lie, and sit Lie and sit, and stare It appears that he sees me As I see him seeing me there On his roost, day after day What is he thinking When he sees me watching Does he envy my comfy space Does he wonder about my life As I wonder about his life When he is not there I worry Has something happened On rainy days he's not there And I hope he has a dry place Is as safe as the homeless can be Does he panhandle nearby Does he make enough to eat Are others kind to him Is he a ******* or insane How can he sleep on cement Long hours go by, he sleeps Where will he go when it's cold I wish that he would just go Out of sight out of mind But he will haunt me a while Even when he's no longer there But I wish that he would leave My heart can't take in his pain He has already filled it up