That old clock is ticking away, the days bleed on one into another, mostly all the same, nothing much new to report here. I do what I can, what my aged body will allow. A limited return on my investment I guess, but still finding little joys that sustain me, mostly given up on big dreams and illusions, anyway being rich and famous was never on my wish list agenda, all in all it's been a very good run, with strong family love given and received, our linage prospers and continues, that is after all the only real reason any of us, human, bird or beast were put on this earth.
To believe otherwise is but a uniquely human delusion that in the end matters not in the least.
I believe that wishes and dreams are a good thing, maybe essential they inspire and are part of our maturation. In the end with or without them reality transcends all. We don't really direct our lives, life directs us.