I'm tired* of who you aim your glares at, how your beautiful words are just spat. I'm tired of living life in constant fear, not hearing affectionate words; my dear. I'm tired of always going back to you, you have the power to make skies grey or blue. I'm tired of how much you've scarred us, you so recklessly lost my trust. I'm tired of your pointless accusations, you can make or break me with just one statement. I'm tired of how you make yourself seem so caring, but the next second your voice is blaring. I'm tired of the way you process your thoughts, and of all the times you so carelessly fought. I'm tired of the games you play, you have so much to speak but nothing to say. I'm tired of being yours to manipulate, you haven't made me truly happy as of late. I'm tired of being shot at; Russian Roulette, I can't be near you without becoming upset. I'm exhausted by your broken promises and empty threats.