Sunrise Sunset views Majestic ethereal Brilliant sparkle shine Wind on the lake diamonds dance Incandescent Luminous
Tanka Haiku 5 Lines 31 syllables 5-7-5-7-7
Inspired song 1) Eagle and the Hawk By John Denver
BLT Websters word of the day Challenge Incandescent9-2-24 Literally, and figuratively that which is white or glowing. Brilliant, impressive, happy, lively
I thought Diamond Lake got it’s name from the million sparkles reflected on the water in the breeze of the setting sun and sunrise But the facts; John Diamond, 1847, Irish immigrant settler first saw the lake in 1852 while searching for a wagon route over the cascade mountains. He climbed the timberline at commanding Peak and saw 23 miles of skyline and the Lake. His name was given to His view point Dimond Peak (1870 feet) and Diamond Lake