Why does everyone always think I'm in love? Sure, it looks like it. The signals all point to it. When I see her, I smile When I hear her, I smile
When I think of her, I smile
Yes, those are clear aspects as to why I love her. Well, I'm not capable of love I don't know how to love I don't know how to be in love I don't know what love feels like
I don't know what love is
And yet, this one time, I thought I finally knew It isn't what a dictionary tells you Nothing can compare to the real feeling Words cannot explain what love is. However, words can build love Words can build trust
But words can destroy these as well
I cant love, at all That's obvious of course, You have to speak from experience And I tried, I did, I really tried And not only did i fail
I failed twice
I tried too less and I tried too much I don't know what exactly 'enough' is But I guess "there is never enough" Does not apply for love I lost both wars and now there's one left to face
But that is a story for another time
They say "home is where the heart is" Whoever 'they' are I hope they're wrong or are they right? If they're right, then my heart is toxic and horrible And I perfectly agree with that No one should be poisoned by the toxic waste inside me
So i tried to give it away, to see if someone would love A toxic heart
Looking back now, I saw how bad of an idea that was Who would love a heart that was not only disgusting, but was deadly I've made a mistake, two mistakes that outweigh all the other mistakes I've made It's hard to make mistakes like this They hurt, bad. So to summarize it all,
Never give harmful things to others
So don't say I'm in love I didn't even fall out of it I was pushed away from it And I guess I deserved it
But I do know the dictionary definition of love It sums up all the things I know and deserve So what do I deserve?