The color of a slightly tipsy tongue peeling my resolve from my own is that of a winter morning -- clear and concise in its purpose, Sending signals to my brain, which, in response, Transmits slight shivers down my spinal cord, Raising the fine hairs Along my smooth skin --the same relaxed, whispy, ***** that covers tense, terse, and trembling muscles.
The sound of a shirt being pushed Out of the way; The sound of pants already crumpled, Settled, On the carpet my mother cleans. That sound that represents Everything I've ever wanted from nothing But can not accurately depict Anything I've wanted from one thing in particular.
Because you are special and You make me want And You make my body tense and My words short and My lips loose. Loose so as to open and receive your secrets given In False Drunkeness --to allow your breath to absolutely fill My lungs As you drag me down beneath the surface And into the dark.
We are not blind.
Our nerves spark in the darkness, The area devoid of any light source save for those that arise from the friction of skin against skin and mind against mind, Ideas crashing and banging together As they Escape From our mouths During our futile resistance to anything logical Or rational, Our selves piloted by the thought of Unfathomable numbers and equations That led to this moment When our bodies feel everything And our minds feel Nothing.
We are naked before the eye of the God neither of us believe in.
Published in ASGARD Literary Magazine, 2014. Received a Scholastic Silver Key in 2014.