How could this be This awful reality Falling into the fire burning above and Below me. a terrible reality from which There was no escape but one. it was not To fight but to sleep in the midst of it all To sleep or burn in a reality from which There was no escape. I dreamed I was By the still water that ran so deep in my Youth. Could it be? How could it be? I Awoke. Woke to the morning sun and Knew not believe again all I thought true. Knew if it told me my life was in pain over Dead and never to return; all taken from me To sleep perchance to wake. An easy choice My burden was lite, Only to let my self sleep And wake born again giving thanks for my life And All things made new I gave my love to all Who sleep that they may in newness wake again
It is not that I did not fight against the dying of the light but in my strength I failed. but in the end I found the way to understand the Master" "My burden is lite...'And in that was the answer "