A lover is no answer A lover is a person & Not a means to quell The darkness A lover is just a lover A lover is no shining sun (The SUN is the shining sun) A lover is a puddle in which To splash dry feet But a lover – a sun? A lover is just a lover.
I don't drink much, he Liked that, that's cool I poured back a ten pack whiskey The next week, clarifying "I don't drink OFTEN".
When I do drink, I shatter very quietly I go off like a gun, he, My makeshift silencer. I tell him I "struggle" – With what?
A life is no brazen leopard (A life does not charge) A life is no sad song (A life does not comfort) A life is a life (and That's it)
Later, he Fell into my arms stumbling I told him a lover is no answer He didn't like that I wondered, is this it? (It was). He kept searching (Like a bloodhound But a man is no bloodhound)
I stopped, still and sturdy, A table's leg, to ask: "Is this it?"