Dear friend, The Earth divided in two and there was much preparation There was trenches built by humans, hollowing out the underground Somehow, there were others that were sure they would not live through it In which preparation was minor for them Humans that traveled for days and days, just to live out their dream Gathering around the fire from the core of the earth, Only to capture the beauty with their camera and canvas Strange it was to see everyone singing in millions of different twos With a string of words from all the other ways we speak, All buzzing around, with no two the same These were, in fact, the ones who were not afraid to die Right before they burned, they all held hands and smiled United in the ways they loved, While the others died in fear, these were the ones who died happy and surrounded by the ones they loved. As if humans are very emotionally complicated Striving too hard to survive It's very beautiful around Earth's falling apart Don't bother writing back sincerely, Lover of all things