I hadn't had nightmares since I was 10 And the most important thing in my life The one thing I feared losing most was My mother I remember those nightmares About losing her in the mall And that a monster would take her away And somewhere along the line I grew up And my nightmares faded And I dreamed peacefully I met you though And fell in love And when you left Life was a nightmare And dreaming had become an escape Only even there I wasn't free You'd show up and fade away Leaving me And then you came back And even though your mine Your now the one thing I most fear losing Because I'm all grown up now And I love my mother dearly But you Life without you Was like a life in darkness A hole of never ending despair And last night I had a nightmare for the first time In five years about you About you ending this And faking your death And coming back And breaking my heart Twice as bad And I remember crying And yelling at you How could you do that to me I loved you I made mistakes But was sorry And my heart meant nothing And I was stuck looking at you Breaking completely with each moment And when I awoke I needed you so bad And I don't know where you are All I know is your not here And that nightmare is making me cry And I don't want you to leave me I love you too much to say goodbye.