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Oct 2013
we burned bridges
then made amends
swore never to think
negative thoughts again
about ourselves or our love

we made a promise
to stay through
thick and thin
until the world
came crashing down
until the stars exploded
in the midnight sky
until the day
it breaks
you & I

people told me it was wrong
to love a man so strong
told me to leave
while I could
but the love
I have for you
is too intense
unlike a small fire
it can't burn out
being without you
would be like
being stuck
in the dark

your heart is my treasure
your touch is my desire
without you here with me
I'd sink like an anchor

my heart could explode
from love gone overboard
the intensity of it all
is so difficult to ignore
I fall harder than I did
the day I saw you
standing by that door
constantly falling
harder than I ever did
before and after

every time we kiss
I feel my heart ignite
I can feel the butterflies
I can feel those sparks
fly into the air
when you're near

when I hear your name
I scribble it on notebooks
when I see your face
I almost lose my senses
everything falls into place
when you're next to me
I love seeing you every night
when you're wide awake
when you're sound asleep
I feel like I live in a dream
seems too good to be real
but it is, truly is
the man of my dreams
is here in person
not just in my mind
or in my thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this poem was inspired by the love of my life.
he makes me the happiest, luckiest girl alive.
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