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Jun 13
Tuesday 8:30 AM, 83° high 103°
A hat, sun protection, the new me
Extreme heat wave
Severe warning  lives to save

Wednesday high of 107°
Heat stroke Elderly going to heaven
Heat will bring you to your knees
Stay inside on days like these

Thursday started out with a breeze
Dog has allergies Constant sneeze
A high of 106° air thick
20 mph wind can do the trick

Our daily walks happen earlier now
It’s hard to get up, but I do somehow
A Dogs, excitement, car ride
The Park to socialize dog friends outside

Blue, his best buddy of the pack
His owner carries a little snack
Daisy Super dog’s Lady love
Dog friends are a gift from above

Friday 7:30 AM, 73° high 102°
Park path colors, Green yellow blue
see the sun through the trees
Birds, butterflies, flowers, and bees

Jehovah’s Witness, literature in hand
Silent when Christians take a stand
Their believe only they are the chosen
No Ideology discussed frozen.

Dehydration dangerously real
Onset Suddenly quick, it can ****
Walk with water and care
Late in the day waves of heat in the air

Freshly planted garden in peril
All in black pots and barrels
A rookie error mistake I  made
The roots are baking in the shade

For the next 10 days over 104°.
plant store efficacious remedies and more
Herbal poultice, tincture and salve pure
Lessons to identify and make plant cures

Put up umbrellas, create shade
Pestilence, sneaky critters well played
Homeless encampment a water cry
Rabbits, Lizards, run shamelessly, nearby

The First Mountain fire of the season
There’s never a rhyme nor reason
Fires are named after their location
Fireman, hope for a short duration

The plumes of smoke Billows everywhere
Smoke smell The first notice of a real scare
Color changes White gray yellowish red
The color determines when humans fled

Higher fires, animal’s scurry Little feet
running frightfully down the street
Under porches, safety shelter they seek
Bears, foxes, possums fearfully, meek

Flying high Hawks, vultures, bald eagle
A big bird took on the leash puppy beagle
Owner screaming her puppy carried away
The leash slip through her fingers that day

In my youth , I used to love a sunny day
Wind in my hair, not a care laughing at play
Old age New allergies, pollen in the air
Excessive Heat, exhaustion, BEWARE
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Efficacious 6-12-24
A formal Word that describes something
a treatment, medicine, or remedy that has power to produce a desired result or effect
For some reason when it gets hot, I perspire that loss of water. Sweat makes me dehydrate easier. My doctor has said I have to drink electrolyte water to stay in balance. A little bit of sweat. takes a lot of water out of your body. If you drink water cold with ice that’s actually worse.
Know the warning signs !
Written by
CJ Sutherland  63/U.S
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