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May 2024
Jey Blu  Dec 2017
Agender is when you don't identify with either gender mentally. You can still dress and act like either *** and you still have your biological ***.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Dec 2017
It's a mental illness then, a denial of reality.

Jey Blu  
Or you're just a close minded *******

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
You're a retardate who'll die in 2018.

Jey Blu  
I sure ******* hope so. See you in hell. Or nevermind. I hope you live in this hellhole of a life forever.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
Testify sister!

Jey Blu 
******* you *****

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
Your daddy still loves you.

Jey Blu  
Nope. Otherwise he wouldn't have beaten me

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You shouldn't have had ****** ******* with him.

Jey Blu  
I didn't. It was my brother who ***** me. So ******* I don't need you bringing up bad memories

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
It's good that you are male & female simultaneously.

Jey Blu  
Never said that. Only that I don't identify mentally with with either gender.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You are a mental ******.

Jey Blu  
*** is wrong with you. Do you act like an idiot around all people, or am I special?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You identify as a man, yet you have female genitals. You are a lunatic.

Jey Blu  
I do not identify as a man nor a woman. I am a female biologically and agender mentally How many more times must I explain this?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You're mentally defective. You shouldn't be alone with children.

Jey Blu  
Why do you do this?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
How many boys have you molested?

Jey Blu  
I asked you a ******* question ****. Answer it, or I'll get your account deleted.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You made me cry. Why are you so mean?

Jey Blu  
Wow. You are ******* low. Posting a conversation between the two of us. And I sure hope I made you cry.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show
Don't hurt me mister!

Jey Blu  
I'm younger than you are, yet you act so much more immature.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
Are you going to **** me too?

Jey Blu 
I wouldn't even want to get within a mile of you, let alone close enough to touch you.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
I'm glad that you have spared me. I fear you and your *****/****** combo.

Jey Blu  
Why do you keep saying I have both male and female genitals?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
I don't want you to **** anymore.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show 
Please don't track me down and ****** me!!!

Jey Blu  
I have never ***** anyone, and you continuing to bring up these memories is about to send me into a panic attack.
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