Thunder knocking, here's to juvenile bonking... Soaked in the moment Submerged by the muse and a rose for prose would be abused as it melts into dust and disappears leaving thorns forming sharp elements of chemistry
and awake us into a garden of ethereal flowers flowers that sing a beautiful place in the rain dissecting bits to reason this mammoth construct of rains
the rain is falling and so are we My heart thick as honey, your pride flying away as tired leaves opening a new world, passing through wobbles the fairies are our guide there are waters magnetic being poured by our friends in the sky this marvel, waves of bliss, a frivolous ride Scintilating touches...
A thousand kisses in a second What was withheld is surrendered at the precipice of precipitation at the brink of love sink do we write with chance ink? or listen to hesitation think how about we listen to the old-man "Desire Wink" and we'll blink and see a world beyond our auspicious kinks
***** will not describe the vibration of this cosmic sensation Joined as one, let us make love in the rain the rain the rain, the waters, the drips, the drops, pins and pops of the rains and hope the rain does not stop.