Superseded my conditions with something simple, a vision for the mind to segue into: An expedition to the stars, a journey towards difficulty fortified my convictions. Experienced fourth dimensions, I have stepped into the infinite. And none is perfect, I am aware of my impulses. With a heart full of verses, I set the stage to play a role. This is all with a purpose. I have indulged; I am at fault. There's so much to interpret. Turbulence settled. I learned to get leveled with vendettas developed since I was a kid, man. Learned not to meddle; instructions were heaven-sent. To go where few bodies had been, I had to find hobbies that aligned with the angels so that I could find the angle to finally handle everything that I've been through. A prevailing discomfort encompassed; imagine the troubles. I rolled with the punches, and I came out triumphant. From starving to marveling at the cosmic alignments and frequently fighting with God to having so many run-ins. It's hard to keep a facade when destiny's tugging. At war with myself, but the timing is perfect. It has to be worth it; the truth has emerged. Ever since I sunk into the depths where I dwelled and found my way to the surface.