she whispered the words of hope her breath thick her words slurred together as they danced from her tongue loveliness surrounding the air around her.
she beamed the smile of happiness her face lit up like christmas lights on a traditional tree and she shone brighter than any sun allowing them warmth and laughter.
she sang words of life and each sentence proved a lesson, she taught and they listened and they believed in the slight glimmer of a dream that had once faded.
and finally she loved with emotion and desire with a strong passion that could not be found in just anyone. she was special a beautiful young daisy barely blossoming yet letting the sun shine brighter and gracing the dirt with her beauty.
despite it all she never seemed to see all the beauty she was and could be. perhaps we should try to be the good in our hearts that she could perceive. let the world smile with Esther, once again.
for a friend- Esther Tan. hope you like this! sorry it's not that great, gotten pretty rusty and was doing this during a phone call so I couldn't concentrate much oops. stay strong, good luck with exams. love ya! x