My Father would have a fit If I didn't treat others with respect If I thought myself, better than them Or didn't have a good hand to lend
He taught me about the dangers of wrong And how in a crowd not to follow along The difference between, needs and wants Showed me how to be, truthful up front
My Father would have a fit If I did anything less than this When it comes to what I said I would do Or what, I really meant to
Did his best to raise me upright Knowing what it takes today to be kind Not to turn tail and run But when evil comes, face it head on
My Father would have a fit If I knew what was right and didn't do it If I lost out on lessons learned Or took advantage of what I didn't earn
He wasn't just here to be a friend But a conduit, a means to an end And all that I was taught Like his dad before him, I too would pass along