it's interesting how a physical scar on ones body when healed becomes the most sensitive skin. I see the metaphysical form of ones self as quite literally the physical form of ones body. when you've got as many scars as I do, your choice between Being or Not Being becomes more drastic. there is no medium. there is no fence to try balancing on. so you either become completely numb, or.. your body becomes pure fire, flames reaching out in all directions, Heaven, Hell and to all the deja vu's which immediately woke your spirit up. your scars then simply become realized as nothing more than your Souls very existence. those things you cling onto, they are understood as what it means for one to say, "I choose, to Be". so I've learned to wear my scars proudly, as I believe them to be rips and tears within the fabric between what is physical and what is metaphysical.. they've been torn open, by my will alone. those who were once seen as murderers of my free will, then become forgotten within the fires from a place where I do not feel pain.. where nothing but the urge to feel and fill all with and within soul exists. there is no need for a shield, or a weapon. only a simple deep look into an others eyes and a silent hello.. don't gotta let 'em know.. they know.. like the lions prey knows it has become food once it catches the glare of the lions eyes, peering through straight into their skull, from only four body lengths away.. and when you're layin in bed with a beautifully scarred lover.. that deep look into the eyes, ignites you both, skin and bones melt away and expose two souls feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting and hearing every last tip of the eternally expanding universes grip, and your infinite connection within it.. pretty much.. how I would imagine the Big Bang to feel like if I was the Bang itself, and my lover, that massive black space, just waiting to be filled, to form and create... She is what made the Bang, Big.