it is writ on my heart the sacrifices we’ve made for her the blessings received for defending her
1. sailing into the unknown for a chance at freedom landing in her arms - her lush starkness, both frightening and alluring - to feel it and know it
2. surviving the sacrifices of the first year as strangers in a strange land gratitude for blessings from the wilderness which was full of woods, huntable, edible creatures, and plants that heal
3. her soaring beauty and roughness the generous giving of her indigenous peoples the challenges to survival and the support of survival, both given freely, balanced in wildness and by wildness
4. the feeling of belonging growing daily nurtured in courageous living the feeling of fulfillment bursting like fireworks across many lives a land developed by and for originality a land that develops its peoples in physical strengths and heartfelt works
5. the gathering of genius that made victory inevitable when defending was needed a deeper understanding created by unrelenting challenges to survival from all angles a grinding unstoppable to the pioneer spirit bred in the bone, to the bone, in the marrow of bone