see the abundance of limes from ivory grooves in sunken stealt crawlers slither on ranging copius grapevines the baleful harvest for in the homeland thieving daughters rages their spite is law call the knaves and vagabonds and kilt the clans drink bile from red lips hunt down the moor and make all the rest of days so very difficult
see the world but alas not how the world sees you for innocence is clean brown earth reflects vividly on snow covered land dare deny its a given for the homeland thieving daughters and sons rage their madness governs all rapacious minds and voices sing the blues for blues and hounds are baying red mist descends and in fog cold whispers cover the emerald isles
see hordes gnawing carrion of chicanry and deceit belching odious sirocco and gated barbarians hidding stunted swords pose in clouds of smoke for homeland thieving mothers and clans are raging give us a lion sacrifice death to the stallion in the arid desert of hot thighs where quick-fire reigns come in unison to drink regal blood in snow tempest the son of king will pay
“Democracy will prevail when men believe the vote of Judas as good as that of Jesus Christ” ― Thomas Carlyle Mr Carlyle, sorry to disappoint you, but they do now and democracy has prevailed...