Wheels unstoppable Enabled inspiration Determined The gentlemen called “WHEELCHAIR LOUIE” He lifts heavy weight to keep in shape, and not look like an ape Wheelchair Louie is into Wheelchair Bodybuilding to compete in Bodybuilding shows along with his brethren Wheelchair muscles of the fittest He trains at “ENERGIZE GYM” to work out and enhance his muscles into proportion Transform and intensify growth You would find wheelchair Louie posing in the mirror using his own wheelchair for support Analyzing structural and definition in his muscles Wheelchair Louie doesn’t see a handicap as he sees the will to try Being movable and encouraged with a pursue and winning spirit One has to give him merit in his efforts in not settling on his circumstance, but devoted to accomplish like anyone else not in a wheelchair What is Wheelchair Louie’s advice for those in a wheelchair, Exercise and break all barriers of doubt and bring understanding with every try in accomplishing whatever your heart’s desire with a promise of fulfillment Give Wheelchair Louie an applause in his quest for standing on his solidarity and eyes on his own victory.