Through a Dream Like a Movie Screen Inner body soared Flying with Lord Toured outside of Heaven Flesh and Blood can’t enter according to the scripture I couldn’t take a picture It was Majesty Beauty of Excellence and Elegance I was totally absorbed With the Lord My thought was Peace and no worries This is my story I asked the Lord how soon could I arrive? Lord’s reply, He was only showing me Heaven, and if I continue to follow him, Heaven is where I will be The Lord also stated, “It wasn’t my time, and I still had living to do The reason for the Lord’s response, the Lord simply wasn’t ready for me as I still had years to prosper I told the Lord how, I guess I have to go back to that nasty Earth and the Lord stated in an affirmative Yes My inner body transcended back to my flesh and blood body I woke up with Hallelujah in praise Heaven’s Dream in meaning everything to me.