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Oct 2013
i want to be a plate made for a sweet devouring
too many plastic spoons have been touching my body
hi what's your name hi what's your name hey nice to meet you
what??.. huh//?
meagan morgan mags?
let's go somewhere quiet
plastic. you are all plastic.
smooth to the touch and poisonous.
bend over let me see
i don't care fine whatever

i smell you on my skin
you are in my fingers
you are in my *****
deeper baby deeper

but i open my eyes and am still surrounded by plastic. poison. pissfuck.
where are you???

lines down my spine
entitled ******* cheater cheater she won't find out thighs thighs
and you and you want to ramble about poetry when i want to scream
scream until i have let out everything inside me until my lungs fall out of my throat until the walls of my chestheartbrain cave in
let me ou t out out no breakfast no lunch or dinner get out o!u!t!!

i am lonely iamalone and no no none of you can save me
Deana Luna
Written by
Deana Luna  Seattle, WA
(Seattle, WA)   
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