I got home at ten to three and she has waited up for me to see if I was capable or not and I forgot what love was for until she closed the bedroom door after dragging me inside nowhere to hide now and did I want to hide anywhere anyhow? wow a night like seven summers rolled in one,the heat of it still lingered on long after she had left and gone.
The milkman knocked at ten to eight, a bit late for him but I let him in and made some tea, inconsequential but you see, I'm coming home at ten to three to see the summers come and go and throwing cautions all aside I won't hide from her,will share her wild abandonment and this is what is meant by marriage vows and how's a man supposed to know what makes a woman tick just so?
I think I'll go and join a clan become a wilder sort of man or just stay meek and mild, but I love her more when she is wild and she knows me well enough to cuff my ear say, get over here and kiss me, I miss her when she's gone but not for long because she comes home and I am like the dog that chews the bone woof.