Frustration the agony of being alone Ever since you left there has been a empty space in my home. Lost for words I find myself able to still say I love you. Mom its been hell I never knew just how strong of a woman you were because you kept me sheltered. Thanks that was your way of protecting me. I remember being afraid of growing up not wanting to get old,My biggest worry now I'm slumped with worries, not knowing where my help will come from so I treat people right just like you taught me. being a big girl takes more then saying your grown. I realize every day I'm growing. I wish I had you here to hear you say change is coming. I tell you, shes brave and I'm trying to be just as brave . Oh I talked to dave he's doing alright not drinking I guess he found the light. I've changed too not that little **** that keptΒ Β on embarrassing you. Not much to say I know your watching from heaven saying that's it she's finally getting it.