when you give me nothing it is the greatest gift i bend to kiss your feet
for from nothing will come everything between love and hate
sweet flowers seconds minutes hours your smiling eyes..
and that is three.. there s jenny with the tea news traffic and weather.. hey,lily,thanks for coming it´s been great fun-!? one last question-imagine you were an alien life form what would you think of this world..?
it´s predestination would be a love word-erm-its position,the moon,sun and all suggests design and faith- (there is a magical sequence that smiles on this hypothesis!) i would think how utterly beautiful it is- how endlessly fascinating- what exactly is an effing fish-?
a gold fish? in our respective glass receptacle (cruel cruel) in small circles trailing **** one in seven waiting.. manner from heaven wanting to let change it waiting bored and distorted waiting to be flushed down the t o i l e t ...
thank you, again, you re off home? yes,we are off to a halloween-fancy dress, with paul dirac, what are you- a hedgehog! oh nice! here, a complimentary copy- i´m reading at books etc on saturday at twelve..come along steve.. thanks, ill be there..cheers-bye, au revoir...lily..