If I don't find a table to sit at soon A group of people, a place where I belong who support each other someplace where I am appreciated and sought out with a purpose and a role to play
I don't think I'm gonna make it.
But I don't know how I've never learned and I'm running out of time.
I feel like I missed out on a lot, a lot of potential lost over the time, due to circumstances
Always on the outside spectating, speculating how it would be to scared, frozen in place by fear to try never truly part of something nver part of the picture
Always trying to stay safe, yet still hurt in the end pathetic to myself politely overlooked and set aside I was nobodys priority, except for my parents who could never seem to help either
There seems to be something wrong with me or maybe wrong the world, or both makes no difference in the end a failure from the start I'm different but not special, not the good kind
I'm there if needed, reliable, dependeable although lost I'm your guy hard working, compromising, sacrificing to earn my worth, my space I lost my health, my joy, my innocence no boundaries in place
Full of fears, of origins long forgotten surviaval instincts that might have saved me then but are ony a hinderance now trapped in my bubble, my cage
Trying my best to stay still, to stay put, stay quiet they might not notice me here, avioding the occasional rattle, a poking from the outside
Being unable to risk means being unable to enjoy your life which makes me lost soon a lost cause