Butterflies flow across tissue Nothing huge except an arm bone, or leg Mostly ear just a head and tiny little hands
Shades of brown flow down the back Lifting in the wind Clothing tighter than before Skin a glow that is unexplained
She cries out softly ad the butterfly becomes a thump Holding her breath as she waits Long fingers caress the swollen flesh There!! Again
A tear falls down flushed cheeks Looking at the new pictures that show more Spine, fermur, eyes, nose, elbow Finally the feet they look so big
Another thump followed by more Fingers slide over the outer flesh The inner being pushed and touched by another
Soft lilting voice begins to sing Movement grows still As the song grows louder She pulls a set of larger hands to the taut flesh
"There she says" "Do you feel it?" Masculine voice responds in hushed tones "Yes, it is amazing"
Lovely sounds escape parted lips "Tis our son my love" "He hears us" Tears run down rugged features
"A son?" Strong arms encase her within them The child within kicks against the ear resting on the round belly "He will be wonderful just like his mother"
"No he will be strong and caring like his father"
The journey almost over He will enter the world already loved One has to wonder if they have any clue Our children are only here on loan for awhile
Then they are sent out into the world Leaving us behind to raise their own young Never knowing the pain left in the wake of separation Until their own grow and take off to start the process over
Hold them close while you can They will be gone so much sooner than you could ever imagine Love them Teach them Mist importantly HEAR THEM