Ahh.... bless their shoplifted little cotton socks what's happening so the Target keeps ******* out of you lot tut-tut that's not suppose to happen so you been huffing and puffing hustling and bustling toing an froing bubbling and squeaking fishing and chipping hankering and pandering flipping and flopping jiving and twisting and hopping like the alley cats you are on hot tin roofs and that **** Target still takes the **** tut-tut.... that's bad and so much of you as well doesn't he knows....majority wins? what's wrong with him or more importantly what's wrong with you we must send you on the road to Wigan Pier for further training!
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. That target will say he's a Prince next. Comon People, to the barricades....viva la Revolution...haha hahaha........