I am a mold, Clay to be folded, kneaded, hardend, softened and burned, to be formed by the tides and the wind Layer by layer added and scraped again to break and to be fixed
I am what I consume My enviroment makes me shapes my personality Untitled At the time The movies watch, the books I read, the characters I envision become the traits of my everyday demeanor One, two, three faced Living under curtains, quick glimpses from under the mask Gemini personified
If my opinion, my beliefs, and through this my being are influnecend so easily, hand crafted, tailored for every stituation and encounter Is there even such a thing as identity? At what point do I lose myself through adaptive behaviour? Who am I without you? What's a reflection without the mirror?
Who is the true version of me, the one you see or the one that comes out when no one's watching?